your warrior cat name and stuff about you, girls only

Have you ever wondered what your warrior name, Clan, and your personality would be. It varies from cat to cat, sucha s one cat may be bossy and lazy while the other is sweet and hardworking.

Do you have the skills and power it is to be a great warrior. Some people do. Are you one of them? Or are you not. It is a small choice that makes a HUGE difference.

Created by: Kathie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are walking in the forest alone when suddenly, a band of rouges come and threaten to attack you, what do you do?
  2. Your eye color is?
  3. Your favorite piece of fresh-kill is?
  4. You like another cat from a different Clan...
  5. What do you do in your spare time?
  6. What Clan would you like to be in?
  7. Would you like kits?
  8. Your Clan is starving, but as you look for food, you see a twoleg coming towards you with kittypet food. What do you do?
  9. You have a dream from StarClan. What do you do?
  10. Would you like to be leader?

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Quiz topic: My warrior cat name and stuff about you, girls only