Your type of guy

We are all searching for the "perfect guy" but ever wonder if your looking in all the wrong places. That all they guys you go after just aren't right for you.

With this quiz you can find the perfect type of guy to fit you. Based on personality and interest this quiz analyzes your personality with his to tell you your type.

Created by: Lalalalalala
  1. Favorite color?
  2. Hair color on guy?
  3. Eye color on guy?
  4. Best quality in a guy that you look for?
  5. On a scale of 1-5 how much a flirt are you?
  6. On a scale of 1-5 how much of a flrit should he be?
  7. Perfect date?
  8. One word to descirbe you?
  9. Your hair color?
  10. Your favorite type of music?

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Quiz topic: My type of guy