Your Quirk (Original Results)

This is just a quiz I really wanted to make so that I could above all try to make a quiz, and of course, find out what I would dependant on my logic. :)

Please do not take this to heart or be offended, I have no idea who you are and this quiz was not made to make people feel bad in any way. Do not come after me.

Created by: Callida
  1. How do you feel on a normal day's basis?
  2. What's your Zodiac type?
  3. If you had no powers, would you help the people in a car crash?
  4. What is more important?
  5. Which number do you have more faith in?
  6. Do you think the last question was stupid?
  7. What is a character trait you admire?
  8. Is there a result that would offend or make you angry?
  9. Would you rather have a million unknown friends or one amazingly close and loyal friend?
  10. Cats or dogs?

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Quiz topic: My Quirk (Original Results)
