how dependant are you

There are many people who are dependant, but few are mostly independant. What is dependant? Being dependant is someone that seeks help from other people, or are dependant on their belongings to show them off.

Are you dependant or independant. Are you always depending on people or a you independant. Before you could only wonder.But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!"

Created by: ashley
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you mosltly dependent on?
  2. Do you depend moslty on?
  3. do u use moslty?
  4. Do you depend on for getting dates with girls/guys?
  5. When going on dates what do you expect mosltly from the opposite sex clothes looking good or hair neatly done?
  6. When on dates do u crave for a passionate kiss, peck on cheek,making out, or sex?
  7. Of a morning to get awake ready for work/school/ the day ahead you depend on your?
  8. what do you think of this quiz
  9. when paying for bills you depnd on?
  10. what way do you depend on contacting people

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Quiz topic: How dependant am I