Your Path Starts Now

What you think you are? And by this I mean popular, a little nerdy, a total perfectionist or an outgoing maniac! Well not really maniac but something like that.

In a few minutes, seconds , or least likely hours you will see which social class you belong in!! Even though I might be wrong in this but hey I might be right.

Created by: Kiara Awesome
  1. Which of e following describes the way you are the most?
  2. Which would you rather do on a Friday.
  3. You took a quiz for math today. What did you do before?
  4. Where and what to drink?
  5. Your favorite subject
  6. Your favorite subject
  7. Part 1: If you had a superpower what would it be
  8. Part 1: If you had a superpower what would it be
  9. Part 2: which would be the worst
  10. What food would you prefer?
  11. One word to describe you

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Quiz topic: My Path Starts Now