Your Favorite Youtuber!

I hope you like youtube, if you do your in for a treat! COME ONE COME ALL TO MY FAVORITE YOUTUBER QUIZ!!! Lol plz comment and tell me what you got, and if its true!

Say it, you like youtube, we all know it. Youtube is quite the site, we can watch what we want, see what we want, and entertain ourselves, and each other... Lol.

Created by: alice
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's better, yellow or pink?
  2. Do you like red yellow and blue all together?
  3. Do you have a youtube account?
  4. Have you ever recorded a video with a real youtuber?
  5. Who's better?
  6. Do you play mine craft?
  7. Has your favorite youtuber played Roblox?
  8. Is it one or more playing the same game?
  9. Do you know what lol means?
  10. Is budder better?

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Quiz topic: My Favorite Youtuber! You can find more quizzes like this one in our Youtube Quiz category.