You're EMO! accept it...but which type...?

This is a quiz about an important issue in society at the moment... EMOism! As you might have guessed EMOs are very diverse creatures and there are several different varities of them but what type of EMO are you?

It only takes a few minutes from your busy EMO lifestyle, what with all the drinking Starbucks and taking pictures but hopefully by the end of this quiz you will be less confused about your emoexuality... Love you EMO scum

Created by: Kirsty and Rebecca

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How do you spend your Saturdays?
  2. Whats your favourite piece of clothing?
  3. Favourite type of music...
  4. Who's your EMO idol?
  5. You are hungry, you grab yourself a delightful snack of...
  6. All time favourite television programme...
  7. You are having a bad hair day, you...
  8. Your worse nightmare come true is...
  9. Your necessity in life is...
  10. What have you thought of this quiz...

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