Your 1-A Quirk (MHA)

Despite his serious demeanor, Sen can sometimes warm up during times when he drops his solemn behavior, such as when he shows enthusiasm in fighting against Mashirao Ojiro during the Joint Training Arc.

and a slight tan. His hero costume appears to be a windbreaker with rings around the base of the neck and arms. Over this, he wears a large trench coat and gloves.PersonalitySen is a stoic person

Created by: FrownerZerod
  1. TF are you?
  2. Describe Yourself
  3. Who/what do you focus more?
  4. What do you think is a quirk?
  5. Define life
  6. Pick a vegetable.
  7. Is tokoyami hot?
  8. Pick a pet.
  9. Pick attacking equipment
  10. ok

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Quiz topic: My 1-A Quirk (MHA)
