WWE wrestling quiz

There are fans of the wwe, but there r super fans called the fannation, are you part of fannation, watchin wwe, is additiong not at 1st, but if u keep watching u will b addicted.

Do you have enough knowlegde of the wwe? can you pas the test? take it to find out how big a fan you are? Not a fan? take it anyway, you never know u might find urself watching it when your bored with nothign else on.

Created by: Mike Schulte
  1. What does WWE stand for?
  2. Who is the chairman of WWE?
  3. Who was the firsdt undisputed champion?
  4. What does HBK stand for, and who is it?
  5. WHere did John Cena start his wrestling carrer?
  6. What movie was John Cena in?
  7. In OVM what was john cena known as?
  8. In the match of John Cena and JBL at judgment day, what kinda match was it and who won?
  9. At One Night stand John Cena vs RVD, what did John throw into the crowd three times that the crowd threw back?
  10. Who pioneered the match "Hell in a Cell"?

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