What naruto boy are You!

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Have you ever wondered what naruto boy you are from? Well wonder no more. This is the time. Boys, this is it. Have you ever thought about how this is it?

This is the time. This is the sign of the summer time This is the TIME! Boys this is the time!!!!!!!! This is THE time. This is the time. To find out who you are

Created by: sauce of the man
(your link here more info)
  1. Favorite color?
  2. yuo and your friends are naruto running through hthe woods?
  3. whats your favroitre thing to do
  4. how do you feel about pre algebra?
  5. favoirite akatsuki?
  6. favorite movie?
  7. what character u want?
  8. whats ur least favorite village?
  9. whats ur fav season?
  10. how do you feel about the ever-growing refugee population and countries like lebanon and turkey taking in an abundant amount of them while the wealthy countries like the US and germany take in only about 700k per p? how do u feel about that

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Quiz topic: What naruto boy am I!
