Write a letter to Robin!

I do not own rights to Teen Titans or Teen Titans Go. I'm just trying to make an exciting and fun quiz. I want this to be entertaining and hope that you all like it.

I want to really kinda "get'' what it would be like to actually write a letter to Robin and have him write back to you. This was a very hard quiz to make so go easy on me in the comments!

Created by: N/A
  1. What sheet of paper will you use?
  2. How will you start your letter?
  3. What is the body paragraph?
  4. What will your letter end like?
  5. What pen did you use?
  6. What did you decorate the paper like?
  7. What envelopes are you gonna use?
  8. What are you gonna decorate the envelope like?
  9. How will you give it to Robin?
  10. After Robin receives your letter. He grabs a pen and writes back...

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