Would Your Crush Date You?

This is a test to see if your crush would date you. Take this test to see if you and your crush would work out. The questions are simple and your results have advice to them.

You should take this quiz so you know if you and your crush have a future. In just a few minutes your answer will be the best for you. I apologize in advance if you don't like your result.

Created by: sarahhh
  1. Do you talk to your crush on a regular basis?
  2. Do you flirt with your crush?
  3. Does your crush know you like him/her?
  4. On a scale from 1-10 how much do you like your crush.
  5. Your crush likes ______ people and you are _____
  6. Your crush says they like someone. What do you do?
  7. Does you and your crush have a lot in common?
  8. You get dared to ask your crush out. Do you?
  9. That is all I need. Did you like my quiz? (this will not affect your result)
  10. What is your favourite colour? (does not affect your result)

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Quiz topic: Would my Crush Date You?