Would You Survive in the Hunger Games?

The Hunger Games are when innocent people slaughter each other until there is only one survivor. Many do not survive. The tributes often are very different from each other in smarts and strengths alike.

This quiz will tell you if you will survive and thrive in the Hunger Games. The questions vary in different skills and tactics while you are in the arena.

Created by: Anna
  1. First of all, have you ever even read/watched the Hunger Games before?
  2. Be honest: How strong are you?
  3. Be honest: How fast are you?
  4. Choose your best skill here:
  5. Would you kill a person or animal?
  6. Which food would be safe to eat in the arena?
  7. Do you have any experience with a weapon?
  8. Why is it important to do good in the interviews?
  9. The game is about to start. You are facing the other tributes and the cornucopia. What do you do when the game starts?
  10. You managed to get out of the Cornucopia with a backpack. What do you do now?
  11. Night is falling, and you have walked a ways. What now?
  12. You made it through the night. Your pack contains a sleeping bag, matches, Cheez-Its, a edible plants guide, and some water purification tablets. You:
  13. There is only four tributes left. One is in the mountains, one is in the forest, and one is in the plains. You hunt down:
  14. One other person left. They are in the plains. Now what?
  15. The final battle:
  16. You win!

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