Would you survive foster care?

This quiz is about what it’s like to be in foster care. (It’s probably not that accurate.) I hope you like it, and not all answers have effects on your results, but most do.

I hope you get a good result, that’s happy. Also, this is my first quiz. I hope you get adopted! Because that’s the happiest result. Also, reuniting with your mom is not a good idea.

Created by: Brianna
  1. You were placed into Sam and Chris’s care, shortly after being removed from your abusive mother’s care. Do you open up to Sam and Chris, or do you fend for yourself, and fight them?
  2. Oh, by the way you have two other siblings. Savannah is a girl, and is 9. Matías is a boy, and is 6.
  3. Sam and Chris are really nice, and for dinner they make spaghetti and meatballs! You see Savannah looking to you for what to do, and Matías is doing the same thing.
  4. Whatever you did, it’s time for bed. Sam and Chris bought you comfy pjs, and Matias has already put them on and fallen asleep. Savannah want’s to follow, but is looking at you for directions. What do you do?
  5. The next day, it’s time for school. Sam and Chris have registered you for Jefferson elementary. They drive you to school, and you walk in. What do you do?
  6. It’s lunch, and who do you sit with?
  7. You’re foster parents (Sam and Chris) packed you PB&J, but the school is serving Mac&Cheese, which one do you do?
  8. Time to go home! How do you get there?
  9. Last question! If you could, would you choose to stay with Sam and Chris, or Reunite with your mom?
  10. Ok, bye!

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