Would you survive a zombie apocalypse

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Think you can survive a zombie apocalypse, take my test and find out. See what kind of survivor you are. Its only 20 questions and has over ten different results. Thank you!

This quiez was an idea iv had for a long time. I hope you enjoyed it and hope you will check out my other quiez's. Remember survive wont be easy but it never hurts to have the know how.

Created by: Justin Dugger
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which weapon would be your first choice?
  2. In the beginning of the outbreak witch plan of action would you most likely take?
  3. Which vehicle would you most likely take to escape the zombie army behind you! Hurry there right behind you!
  4. Your family has been infected, all of them. What do you do about it?
  5. A zombie has bit your hand. What will you do?
  6. In a zombie attack on the group is your life more important then somebody else's.
  7. Your hurt, you need medication fast.hospitals are a dangerous place during the zombie apocalypse. Whats your plan?
  8. Zombies are blocking the street. Theres no way around them. Hm, what to do!
  9. Whats your long term stratigy for surviving the zombie apocolipse?
  10. The Apocalypse can be very stressful. You need to have fun once and awile. Or youll go crazy. What would you do for fun?
  11. What kind of person would you be?
  12. You come face to face with a huge zombie and you have no gun. Whats the plan?
  13. Your bag if full, but theres so much supplies just sitting there. You have room for maybe one thing. Witch would you pick?
  14. If you found a dog, would you keep it? It might help you survive.
  15. If you organized a survival group what would be your limit of people be?
  16. You come across a small town not yet overrun with zombies. They offer safety and security. the catch is its 20 miles outside a heavily populated city. What do you do?
  17. You run across a group of people that are famous. Witch one would you let team up with you?
  18. Whats the best way to defend yourself against zombie bites? Which would you pick?

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