Would you survive a Vampire attack?

This quiz will tell you if you could survive a Vampire attack or not... who knows you might need this info one day... but that doesn't mean the next time someone knocks on your door at night you should grab your gun and blow their head off.

Vampires... do they strike fear into your heart... or are you more likely to drive a stake through theirs? now is your chance to find out... if you dare.

Created by: Cinder
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. A knock on the door at 11:00pm how do you react?
  2. What do you think of Vampires?
  3. You are out on the street at night when a man starts to follow you your reaction?
  4. You are trapped in an alley by a Vampire what is your weapon of choice?
  5. A Vampire decides to spare your life how do you react?
  6. You find a Werewolf fighting a Vampire what do you do?
  7. Your best friend was bitten by a Werewolf what do you do?
  8. What is your ideal weather?
  9. What is your ideal time?
  10. What is your ideal season?

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