Would you survive a dangerous situation?

In life, some people have to go through dangerous, life threatening situations, where they have to make the right decisions in an instant, or it might just lead to their death. What would you do if you were in one of these situations, and how likely are you to survive?

What would YOU do if you were about to die? would you fight? Would you cry? Would you run? And how likely are you to survive? Find out by taking this quiz.

Created by: Sheridan
  1. your mom tells you need to go to the store to pick up some milk. It's midnight, dark, and you don't have a drivers license, so you need to walk. You...
  2. Your mom makes you go no matter what you say. You are walking. You realize you put on the wrong coat that doesn't have your cell phone in it. What do you do?
  3. After thinking, you go home and look for the cell phone. You can't find it. Mom is yelling at you to go. You leave. You're walking, when you think a car is beginning to tail you. You...
  4. The car comes up to you. The person in it rolls down their window. It is a middle-aged man. He asks you if you need a lift. You...
  5. He drags you into the car. He asks you what your name is. You..
  6. You notice he didn't ask you where you were trying to go. You tell him. After a few minutes, you realize he's about to pass the grocery store. You...
  7. He drives you away from the store. You end up at a house, which is far away from everything else. It's in some dark woods. You...
  8. He takes you into the house. He offers you something to drink. You...
  9. He forces you to drink it. You feel dizzy. You ask him if you can lay down. He say's yes, and leads you down to a bed in an extremely dark basement.
  10. You are forced to lie down. You notice a very disgusting, rotten smell like something has died. The sheets are dirty and stained with something.... brown. He closes the door. There is a single light swinging above your head. You...
  11. It's too late. You hear the door click shut, and it's locked. Only a key will open it now. You can't help but notice the thickening smell of rotten flesh, his deep, raspy breathing, and the eerie sway of the dim light above your head. There is a low freezer to your right. You have a feeling you know what is in that freezer. You...
  12. He crawls on top of the bed. He runs his hands over your chest and torso. He begins to slip down your pants. You...
  13. He pressed his body against you. He slips off the rest of your clothing, and his too. you...
  14. It's too late. The deed is done. He crawls off you, panting harshly, shaking slightly. He has a creepy, evil smile plastered over his face that you will never forget. You notice a certain look in his eyes.... he wants to kill you. You...
  15. He pulls out a case from under the freezer. He smiles again. Your heart in pounding thunderously in your chest, and your throat is clenching up in pure fear. A cool sweat trickles down your sides and forhead. He opens the case, to revealing a shining array of silver, polished, painfully sharp knifes. You...
  16. He crawls on top of you... one last time. The last thing you see is the evil, hating look in his eyes, and the freezer in the corner, which you could have sworn had the faces of the people he's killed looking out at you, watching your death. You...
  17. You feel a very strange feeling. Your staring at the man, leaning over your body, laughing maniacally at your mangled, bloody body. you're dead, and watching your own killing from the outside. He cuts you up, and stores you into the freezer with the other bodies. You look in the basement, to see about 7 sad looking spirits staring at you. You..

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