Would you pass magic school?

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Are you a magical expert? Do you know all about it? Do you even BELIEVE in magic? Time to find out if you've nailed it or failed it with this fun quiz!

This quiz has some miss spelled words. Sorry bout that ;) but anyways, this is a fun quiz! I think.... I might even take it myself! Wait, CAN you take your own quiz?

Created by: not telling
  1. 1. Are fairies tiny or big?
  2. How many types of unicorns are there?
  3. Describe what a witch looks like!
  4. What does a wear wolf look like when they transform?
  5. what does this mean in English: Karaah bob sumha dib fronuya
  6. read previous question: what launguage was that spoken in?
  7. how many universes are there?
  8. Could humans handle magic?
  9. Pick the best defense against evil ghosts:
  10. And, the most simple question of all: is magic real?

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