would you live in the zombie apocalypse

there are many who think the can survive but only few can surpass the ultimate survival test a zombie survivalist is someone who is smart and has high endurance and physical and mental streangth

are you a survivalist for the zombie apocalypse youll find out in such a little while thanks for taking my zombie apocalypse quiz i hope you enjoy your results

Created by: isaac

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. would you go to a largly populated area
  2. would you be on the move constantly
  3. would you be on the move constantly
  4. would you use a qiuet weapon or a loud weapon
  5. would you wash yourself freaquenyly
  6. would oyu drive in towns or on the highway
  7. would you save other survivors
  8. would you take out you freind if he was a zombie
  9. do you understand that the higher the score the longer you live
  10. would you make a quiz on gotoquiz.com

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