Would you fit in with my class

This quiz is to tell you if you would fit in with my very chaotic class. This is also my first quiz so any tips on how to make it better is appreciated.

Thank you for taking this quiz! It means a lot to me to get the opportunity to make this quiz for you to enjoy and take. I hope you enjoy and thanks again.

Created by: G3rih511_Geri h
  1. what gender are you (does affect results) because most of the chaotic people are one gender...
  2. Do you cuss/swear alot
  3. Do you make racist jokes
  4. Do you talk about the Holocaust
  5. Do you talk about slavery
  6. Do you hate just one specific person
  7. Do you somehow have good grades but play games all class
  8. Do you make homophobic or transphobic jokes or just jokes on that topic in general?
  9. Are you addicted to Four Square
  10. Do you make jokes about short people?

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