Would you be able to go out with me? Guys only!!!!

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Do you like a fun loving person? Do you want to have a relation ship with a good looking girl? Well im that kind of girl :) Try this test to see if you are my perfect match..

Are you a guy??? Are you single looking for the right girl? Well take this quizz to find out if your alot like me.... If so than great if not than sorry.......

Created by: spirit13
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. favorite color....
  2. how old are you?
  3. favorite actor?
  4. Do you like vampires?
  5. Do you like music?
  6. Wat kind of music do you like?
  7. hair color?
  8. do you like Avril Lavigne?
  9. wat grade are you in?
  10. do you know who vladimir tod is?

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