Would Mapleshade be your Mate?

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This is a quiz about whether or not Mapleshade becomes you mate. this took me a long time, and i really hope you enjoy it! and if you don't that's alright!

I am really into Warrior Cats so that is the reason i made this a Mapleshade one, and i always wanted to make my own quiz to! so now that i have i can't wait for people to try it!

Created by: Megan
  1. Your Clan leader tells the clan that Mapleshade has been kicked out of her clan what is you're reaction?
  2. You go looking for Mapleshade and you find her, what do you do?
  3. You find out that Appledusk betrayed her, what do you do?
  4. whats you favorite song out of these chooses?
  5. What is your fav animal
  6. Mapleshade tells you that her kits drowned and someone was there that could have saved them. what do you do?
  7. What is you favorite color?
  8. You hear Mapleshade is dead, what do you do?
  9. Mapleshade visits you in a dream and tell you she loves you and wants to be with you, (that means do bad things and then get killed)
  10. Last One!You die and go to Dark Forest later you have kits with mapleshade, what do you name them?

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Quiz topic: Would Mapleshade be my Mate?
