Would I Date You (Guys Only)

There are many Guys out there to date but few that will get the answers right on my quiz but afterall i'm sure each one of you is exceptional,clever,and apparently can solve complex problems LOL

Will I date YOU. do you have the brainpower to qualify for that prestigious title? until now you could only wonder but thanks to my great quiz in just a few minutes you will find out

Created by: missdreamy96
  1. How often do you listen to Music.
  2. Personality wise which one of these is you.
  3. Admit we all have bad personality traits which one of these is yours.
  4. Which element best fits you.
  5. Whats your favorite type of food.
  6. Whats your idea for a date.
  7. Whats your ideal car.
  8. Are you and Inside or Outside Person.
  9. Whats your favorite type of Movie.
  10. Whats your favorite Restraunt.
  11. What's your favorite dessert.
  12. Did you like this quiz.

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