would i date you (girls only)

True you did very good I am proud of you you didn't break if you're a boy go F yourself but that's fine so you did great job you did a great thing.

So you girls if you got 100 awesome try to accomplish a lot In life don't know what to write about so ok And.This took me a long time so be fair this

Created by: joey

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you cheat on your boyfriend Choose wisely
  2. What personally do you like
  3. Do you like games
  4. So
  5. Bruh
  6. So
  7. Where would you go for a date
  8. Ok so how do you like the quiz
  9. What's your favorite food mine is a salad
  10. Thank you for the time

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