Would I date you (boys 9-12 only)

Well, I am a ten year old girl who lives in Chelmsford, England. I can't tell you my name online. I am out looking for a boyfriend because my old crush couldn't care less.

Would I date you? Are you the one for me? Maybe you are, maybe not. This quiz will help you to find out! Answer the questions HONESTLY, please!!!!!!!!

Created by: TheMagic12321

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How old are you?
  2. Have you had a gf before
  3. Are your parents nice?
  4. Would you check out my profile?
  5. Which of these is not great about you?
  6. Do you wanna meet me?
  7. What is best about you?
  8. Which of these do you look for most in a girl?
  9. Will you comment?
  10. How about rate?
  11. Let fate decide!
  12. Let fate decide!

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