Would I date you? (anyone)

I have no clue why I made this. I was bored and yep stuck at home. Hope you are doing well during this pandemic. um what to put here. dogs, cats, and them like?

Just so you know I am a pan non-binary person. could care less about gender and the like and yes...... I am attracted to pans so if you are a pan i instantly have a crush on you. UwU

Created by: Starsinger32
  1. What gender are you? (will not affect)
  2. role play time.you walk down the hall at school bumping into someone... how do you react?
  3. hair color?
  4. what word would describe you?
  5. why are you taking this quiz?
  6. would u be a jerk to teachers or people higher up than you?
  7. we finish each others .......
  8. what type of person do you think i am. without knowing who i am.
  9. which face
  10. who was this?

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