Would I date you

I have been really bored lately so I have decided to make this quiz. Do not feel bad if you totally bomb it it really does not mater to me.

The quiz creator requires me to have 150 non repeating characters so I am going to say a bunch of random nonsense and hope it fills the box. Lalalalala

Created by: Mark

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your height
  2. What is your eye color
  3. What is your hair color
  4. How much do you weigh
  5. What is your personality
  6. What is your hobby
  7. How smart are you
  8. How are you at texting
  9. What are your friends like
  10. Are you a guy or girl

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