wolf rp girls only ig ( ''´)(._.`)

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Kon'nichiwa (hello) welcome to my quiz you are a wolf named mika and you are in a VERY VERY dramatic story you are trapped in the mountains with you pack members you have 3 ppl to choose from

Who are DAWN(dawn x3) OAK(oak x3) AND OTHER GENDER OPTION STAR(star x4) If you dont support lgbtq+ this quiz is not for you just so you know I will be in this story I am a white wolf named sai kk FOR READING I MADE THIS COMEDY FOR FUN this is going to be long so if you dont like long ones sry for you

Created by: Fruityy2002
  1. hello you are a black wolf with yellow eyes and you should the READ op to have more info k?(this doesn't count)READ THE OP PLS
  2. so you and me are not the same I am a sin- OH SHOOT uhm so you and me are and you hunting for food and find a deer you go SAI! look! then we get ready to pounce and then 2 male wolves pounce on it before you do you go
  3. you end up finding a large rabbit and the BoYs notice you, you (I have no clue if to put a comma between the two "yous" that sounds sooooooo wrong 😭)
  4. whatever you did you went back to the den the alpha ask where you been you poke me to say where we were but I was busy look at moon(another female wolf you shall meet further on) you........
  5. I got out and hang with moon and you go out to the lake for water and you see the BoYs again they walk up to you you(THIS AGAIN LOL PLS-)
  6. the BoYs introduce them selves and then DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNnnn a howl that mean theres trouble sounded and you heard a pup yelp you............
  7. A bear was attacking the den I got bite be it you pounced at the bear and bit it witch knocked it out you dragged me to the healers den you.....(me ima die mannnn
  8. I recovered from the bite and you were know as a hero when it was night a strange sound came from out side the den you went to check and saw A BIG
  9. CLIFFHANGER(haha rickroll)
  10. jk
  11. you say za boYs outside the den and you go up to them and tell them what hapened and oak comforts you you
  13. while you go hunting you hear star howl when you turn around TWO BIG HUNTERS AND INFRONT YOU NEXT THING YOU KNOW everything goes black......
  14. you end up in the back of a truck with moon she says "oh... they got yall too..." I go and cuddle with her you see a big big you think thats what they put us in you jump on it and hear a yelp you get of and its star shes BLEEDING we all go and help her and she tells us what happen " the pups and there moms and dads are in the truck in front of us"
  15. I find a lever and pull it and we tumble out the truck you run up to the 1st truck it seems like it got a flat tire so I as the smallest seek you behind the truck tell the pups to hush and pull the lever and set them free we run into the forest and then we notice...
  16. YOUR IN someones pack territory you get surounded be wolves you
  17. they see the pups and take you in their alpha who is a big black wolf asks why you are here and star explains what happened and they let you stay :)
  18. welp das the end of the quiz hope yall enjoyed :) I will make a prt 2 dont worry SO STAY SAFE

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