wings of fire very hard quiz made by 11 year old

Okay, I might be 11 but I'm huge WoF fan, so try to ace these questons, or I might be better then you.!! hey no presure, just remember: WINGS OF FIRE!

Other then that, I'm 11 and want you to succed! sorry I'm very bad at spelling. anyway, HAVE FUN! (BTW if you don't have fun, I am going to be so mad at myself) GOOD LUCK!

Created by: The Person
  1. In 'The hidden kingdom' Blaze's assistant is. . .
  2. in Dragonslayer, what is Undauntables pet named. . .
  3. Clays siblings are. . .
  4. in the brightest night. Who is Six-claws's Mate
  5. Palm is. . .
  6. Queen Coral's 4 known daughters
  7. Blue is a
  8. Cricket's daughter is called
  9. the three dragons that are lesbian
  10. Blue's sister

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