Wings Of Fire Love Story (for girls) [Part 1]

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Hello everyone! I’m new here and THIS IS MY FIRST QUIZ! Yaaaay! I’ve tried my best, and I will make PART 2, I promise! Thanks for actually seeing this quiz. You don’t have to read here. But here are the basic setting of the quiz:

YOU ARE NOT IN JADE MOUNTAIN ACADEMY! THIS IS ANOTHER SCHOOL! (Please note what I just said in future love story quizzes)And you are _________ of the _____wings! Got it? Great! (If you did not get it, read it until you do. Or skip it)

Created by: Kikitten
  1. It’s your first day of school! What are you thinking? (No effect on score)
  2. You bump into a grayish-blue seawing carrying all sorts of books and some scrolls. He spills his books and scrolls. What do you do?
  3. After you walk away from the seawing, you meet a gray icewing who has a goofy smile on his face. Since you don’t know where your dorm is, you ask the icewing, “Hi, do you know where my dorm is? It’s supposed to be in the third cave in hallway 8, but I don’t know where that is.” He replies, “OH! We must be clawmates! I’ll show you where our dorm is!” What do you think?
  4. “So…” The icewing says, “My name is Glaze! What’s your name?” You answer:
  5. After you find your dorm, you decide to go to the library. In the library, you run into the seawing again. “Um… hi, again…” The seawing says shyly. “I forgot to introduce myself earlier… m-my name is Shellfish…” He pauses, “Um… wha-what’s yours?” You answer:
  6. After Shellfish leaves hurriedly, blushing, you plop onto a hammock and start picking a scroll. Suddenly, a broodingly handsome nightwing appears out of the shadows and barks, “Hey, that’s MY favorite scroll!” You think:
  7. When you glare at him, the nightwing looks a bit startled and quickly murmurs, “Oh- uh- sorry- um…. I don’t care about the scroll. You can take it. I’m Ebonyscales by the way. What’s your name?” You reply, “Well, um, okay…. I’m ________.” and think:
  8. You enter the cafeteria and Glaze hops towards you, and pushes a goat in your face. “Wanna share?” You say:
  9. If you said you would, Glaze rips the goat into a big chunk and a small chunk using his serrated claws, then gives the big chunk to you. You think:
  10. If you said you wouldn’t, Glaze looks crestfallen, and walks off to a shadowy corner to eat his goat. You eat alone, and think:
  11. It was time for history, and as you headed towards the history class, you notice Ebonyscales walking alone. What do you do?
  12. If you caught up to Ebonyscales and started chatting, Ebonyscales smiled a bit and said: “Well, um, sorry about earlier. I can be a bit… bitter and angry, sometimes…” You answer:
  13. As history starts, the new history teacher, Root the Mudwing, (not Jade Mountain Academy) started talking about the reign of Queen Scorpion of the sandwings. You yawn, and think:
  14. Time for bed! “Wow, night already,” You think. When you go into your dorm, you find that Glaze is sleeping on his hammock. You fly up to your bed and sleep. You dream about:
  15. The next day, you wake up in your bed. Glaze is still asleep, and as you yawn, you decide to head to the cafeteria to eat. When you enter, you decide to go fishing. After you get your perfect tuna, you are about to start eating. You look around and see that Glaze has arrived and is looking lonely. But in a corner, Shellfish is staring at a scroll while chewing on his small lizard, looking like he needed a friend. And finally, Ebonyscales is sitting on a rock, staring down at his chicken with sad eyes. Who do you go to?
  16. Whatever you do, you have to go to your flying lesson outdoors after breakfast. As you fly outside, you meet the coach, a Skywing named Comet. Comet tells everyone to choose a partner to race with. Who do you choose?
  17. After flying a bit, you decide to go hunting, since there is free time. You land in a clearing, and, to your surprise, two dragon is sitting on a log. They turn their heads, and you jump back in surprise- it’s the principle (again, not Tsunami, this is not Jade Mountain Academy)and a weird rainwing. The principle glares at you for a moment, and suddenly the rainwing disappears. As you were looking around, bewildered, something hits you hard on the back of your head! What do you think before you faint?
  18. And of course…CLIFFHANGER! (Don’t be angry, I’ll make part 2 like real quick! Also this does NOT change your score!)
  19. Oh yeah and random question, who is better, Queen Scarlet or Queen Wasp? (Does not change score IN ANY WAY)

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