Wings Of Fire Love Story! For girls and Gay LONG!!!!

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READ THIS!!!! The last two questions are a glitch. so I'm super sorry. You can make your ending in the comments. I'm SOOO sorry. I only got my account back because I'm using a different device.

please enjoy there are two girl results a no one result and four boys. You are DewDrop in the Gold Winglet at Jade Mountain. Again, sorry for the glitch and enjoy!!

Created by: MoonSlayer3162
  1. Alright Lets start with your character! You are a LeafWing hive wing hybrid who has moved to Pyhrria. You are a girl (if you don't like that I politely ask you to leave TY! ) You are about to start at Jade Mountain. Your name is DewDrop, those who are close call you Dew.
  2. (AND STARTING NOW!!) You fly swiftly through the rainforest hoping you will soon catch a glimpse of your new school, Jade Mountain Academy. Its still not in sight as you continue. Other RainWing's are headed in the same direction, including a few NightWing's. You hope there are other Pantalan dragons there too. You suddenly burst out of the forest and spot the huge mountain. This was your new home. What do you think about this?
  3. As you enter you notice hundreds of other dragons walking and laughing like they have been here for ages. You start to feel nervous when a SeaWing pushes through the crowd and stands in front of you. She scans you then asks' "Who are you?"
  4. The SeaWing snorts, "I'm Echo weird name for a SeaWing but yeah. I'm pretty unsure we are in the same winglet." She says with a look of amusement. You roll your eyes and she laughs. She is that type of girl who likes getting on dragons nerves. Then a strange looking SkyWing walks up and smirks, "Well look who's here; the SeaWing with an Attitude!" he says and smiles at you. Then an IceWing and a MudWing come up looking bored. The IceWing gives you a friendly smile and the MudWing just glares muttering something under his breath. Echo jumps up, "Oh DewDrop this is most of our Winglet, This is Asher he is part NightWing, Blizzard he is a sweetheart, Bear is a Warrior, and Palm and Lilly must be in their dorms." She explained quickly as she pointed to all the dragons around her. You nod quietly not sure of what to say. The boys then all fly off to their dorms. Then Echo manages to drag you off to yours. " Okay, you get the leafy bed over there." She says. You had been flying most of the day so you crash and dream about...?
  5. You wake up and rush to the Cafeteria for breakfast. You take (FOOD OF CHOICE) and head for the library to get your history scrolls and enjoy some quiet time. You notice a SandWing with four wings and blue around their eyes. You quickly realized brush were part SilkWing. You run over and greet them enthusiastically, "Hi! Your part Pantalan right? So am I! I'm so happy mom not the only one! I'm DewDrop what's your name?" You burst as you rush over. The boy helps and drops hid scrolls on your favorite subject, "Oh uhh well nice but I better to class." He says as he quickly picks up his Scrolls and .bolts for the exit. What do you think about him?
  6. (I hope you didn't pick answer 7 on 5 unless you want to be single.) You grab your scrolls and head into Webs classroom. There is a seat open next to all the options below: ⬇⬇⬇
  7. After History is Battle Class. You walk through the halls and enter the huge, bare classroom. You are told to pick a partner, you choose?
  8. Whoever you went against gave you challenge (Unless you chose Palm or Bear they were easy.) Then you had some free time before your winglet was meeting up for lunch. Where do you go in this spare time?
  9. After your FreeTime you walk into the cafeteria and go to sit with your winglet. They all look except enemy bored. Although Asher does not, he was planning to entertain. "Hey guys! We should catch something to eat." Asher suggested as he stretched his large wings. Everyone agreed and they all flew off. You went after a (food of choice) and caught it easily. You then flew back go the group where Clay was sitting amongst the winglet. "Hmm... DewDrop! Go ahead and pick someone to share your (food caught) with." Clay suggested. You choose???
  10. After you eat the winglet and you go for a fly. Blizzard doesn't like this idea due to the storm he thinks is coming. No one listens and you all set off. Lilly seems to be avoiding you and the same with Bear. Asher is flying near by but Echo is sticking to your sticking to your side like glue. She whispered, "All these boys are creeping me out. I think they like you.". how do you react to this idea?
  11. However you respond Echo laughs quietly and says, "Well yeah. I'm shocked you haven't noticed the way the drool over you! It hilarious to watch." You look around and look at the boys, they were always casting weird looks at you.... "Hey kids! I have to go back for a meeting. You all can play a game like Truth or Dare while I'm gone." Clay calls as he turns around and flies back towards Jade Mountain. You has your winglet land and form a small circle. "Alright!! Lets do this in teams. Boys vs. Girls!!" Lilly exclaims in excitement as she pushes the boys unto one side and the girls onto another. The boys nod. It their turn first, "Truth or Dare?" (You get to choose for your team)
  12. (IF YOU CHOSE 'TRUTH' GO TO THE NEXT QUESTION) "Dare!" You decide the boys nod with a grin. "Punch the one of us that you hate the most." Palm says seeming more bold than before.
  13. (THIS IS FOR THOSE WHO CHOSE TRUTH)). "Truth." You say boldly. The boys grin. "Alright, do you have a crush?" The Blizzard asks.
  14. Your turn!!! "Boys truth or dare?". " DARE" shouts Asher confidently with excitement. "okay...
  15. (FOR THE FIRST TWO ANSWERS TO QUESTION 14). The boys all groan glaring at Asher who shrank into a slump. Then one by one they all came up and (either punched you or kissed your cheek) they all blushed furiously red. You feel?
  16. (FOR THREE AND FOUR) "Errr I think its the same for us all but its you...." Blizzard confessed his white and blue scales turning blue in the cheeks. (He is blushing his blood is blue). "Alright Gold Winglet! Come on back for dinner!!" Clay called as he .circled above. You gladly jumped into the sk, ready to get away from that awkward situation.
  17. After dinner you gladly sprint off to bed crashing quickly. Your dreaming about???
  18. (LOTS OF TIME HAS PASSED WITH BORING BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!))) Its almost the end of your final school year. The Winglet is meeting one last time. You are officially an adult after today. Your moving out. You go to meet up with the rest of the Gold Winglet with a sad face. Lilly is crying and Echo is staring at the ground. Asher, Palm, Blizzard, and Bear are all watching you. You are?
  19. They have all invited you to go with them. And your parents begged that you wouldn't leave alone so you had to pick one of them. You pick??????
  21. ACK G!ITCH

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