Will your crush and you be great?

Do you think that you and your crush make a good couple? Take this awesome quiz to find out!!!!!!!!!

Do you have the brave skills to take this quiz? Find out if you are right by taking this quiz to test your knowledge between you and your crush...you may be suprised at the answer!

Created by: Hullow!
  1. Do you and your crush like the same food style?
  2. Is their favourite colour the same colour as you?
  3. do you and your crush love the same movie genera?
  4. do you and your crush like the same book genera?
  5. do you both have cell phones?
  6. do you both like to play video games?
  7. do you think you and your crush are good? *this will not be scored if you answer 'skip the question'*
  8. if you look at your crush, what part are looking at? (choose the closest to what you look at)
  9. do you text/email/call your crush?
  10. does your crush text/email/call you back
  11. did you enjoy the quiz? (no scoring)

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Quiz topic: Will Ir crush and you be great?