Will your country thrive?

Do you think that your country will thrive? Or not? Take this quiz to find out. Just sayin' pick option B on the last question to get 100% on the final result JK that option doesn't count towards your score.

Are you going to get 100% or 0%? That's for luck to decide. Now TAKE THIS QUIZ! You still haven't started? How rude! Now DO IT! You still haven't? Now actually take it. You cannot read any more text. Bye I'm getting tacos.

Created by: A random cat
  1. What type of food do you have?
  2. What type is it?
  3. How many countries have traded with you?
  4. If there was a war, would you win it? (others' opinion)
  5. What do you think? Your country:
  6. Do you care about your result?
  7. Do you have a law-book?
  8. Do you declare war on other countries?
  9. Which is better?
  10. This question doesn't count.

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Quiz topic: Will Ir country thrive?
