Your personality type and aura according to me

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Pick any option honestly and dont think teice, alr? U gotta be honest with this one. Pick any option to see how people see u. Now this is just my pov.

There are 5 questions only. I know its a little short because i was bored and had nothing to do. If u think the answers arent correct. Dont hate me, alright?

Created by: Gojo satoru
  1. How many people do you know?
  2. If someone walks upto you, and asks u ur name. How fo u respond?
  3. How about you get to be famous for a day. What will be ur reaction to this?
  4. If you could have a superpower, what will it be?
  5. Dream vacation?
  6. Fav movie genre?
  7. Pick any 1
  8. Pick any 1
  9. Which animal would u choose from these two?
  10. Pick a sport

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Quiz topic: My personality type and aura according to me
