will you smoke?

This is a quiz intended for 14-18 year olds who want to know the likelihood of them smoking in their later years. The results of this quiz may not always apply so don't worry if you aren't happy with your answer.

will you smoke? if you are taking this quiz it could be because you really don't want to smoke and are worried in case you will (don't worry, if you have that kind of attitude you probably wont) or 8i could be because you just don't know.

Created by: rose
  1. what is your gender?
  2. do you admire people who smoke?
  3. are you 'popular'?
  4. what would you choose to drink?
  5. after school?
  6. favourite colour
  7. do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?
  8. do you like this quiz?
  9. what best describes you?
  10. are you ready for your answer?

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Quiz topic: Will I smoke?