Will you get frogged? Part 2

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Welcome to part 2 of this quiz! Please take the first one (linked), and have gotten the "I got frogged" result! Otherwise, you already escaped, and why would you be back here?

Now, continue on your journey, and please let me know if I should continue to make this a series! I would love to! Now, enjoy the quiz, remember to trust your gut/instinct, and have fun!

  1. Welcome back to the maze! This is your second chance not to get frogged if you got frogged the last time!
  2. You wake up back in the maze, in a place you've never been in here. You feel a little sick, but everything else is so, so big! You move to the nearest puddle and look down... You're a frog!!!
  3. Panicking, you hop around in hope of finding someone else. After about 5-10 minutes, you find an older toad who is resting peacefully. Do you talk to him and figure out this situation, or do you not trust him?
  4. Before you hop away, the toad croaks, "Young frog, you seem to be in a predicament. There is a way to become human again. Would you like to know?" What do you reply?
  5. He answers, "There is a potion in the middle of the maze that will turn you human again! Find the frog statue." How do you respond?
  6. As you hop away, you think about what that old toad said. Hmmm... Maybe you could follow that. You continue to hop along, but your little legs are getting tired and your skin is drying... You see a puddle. Do you jump in?
  7. After you make that decision, you continue to hop along. You find some low light. Do you follow it, or is it a trap?
  8. You go along, and eventually, find the middle! And look! There's the potion the old toad was telling you about! Do you take it?
  9. Either you take it, or you keep hopping along. Whatever you decided, you continue on your journey.
  10. And now, you.... (click submit for your results!)

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Quiz topic: Will I get frogged? Part 2
