Will you get a gf?

The boys need to know if they gonna get a girls, I got u his a quiz for u. need to have at least 100 letters in this so gonna spam charcter sry, 45hkibg

don't take it to hard if u don't like ur score coz its not 100% accurate and girls all have there own tastes in boys. need to have at least 100 letters in this so gonna spam charcter sry, 45hkibg

Created by: Yeetanaut
  1. Age
  2. Hair
  3. clothes
  4. Personality
  5. Body type
  6. key feature
  7. what would u rather
  8. do u care about how u look
  9. do u think ur gonna get a gf and ur handsome
  10. do u have a gf or had one or someone likes u
  11. ready for ur answer (Doesn't change score btw)

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Quiz topic: Will I get a gf?
