Who do I think you'd be in my class

Yeah so I was bored in class so I decided to make this lol. This is who I think you'd be in my class. I don't know what to put here so i'm gonna spam letters


Created by: Alynn
  1. The teacher calls on you out of no where to read and you weren't paying attention what do you do?
  2. You're at recess, what do you play?
  3. You're doing a project where you have to choose a partner, who do you choose?
  4. Who do you think you're gonna get? (no effect)
  5. You get into an argument, what do you do?
  6. Say you're a bully, you get caught. what do you do?
  7. Someone trips over your shoe, what do you do?
  8. Someone is laughing at you
  9. What's your biggest fear?
  10. If someone were to stab you with a knife, how would you react?

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