will you be a good slave for me

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will you be a good slave take the quiz you you like doing hard work and being tourchered take this qiuz to find out useing this quiz i hope you enjoit

this is my first quiz if failor pass nothing will happen extrat info there are 14 questions in this quiz alll will efect you score so awncer cerfully sto see if you a slave

Created by: zaine
  1. are you older then 18
  2. do you what to be a slave
  3. can i ride on you
  4. how long
  5. how meny hours a day
  6. how much will you be paied
  7. do you what to be whiped
  8. if you get chained in the basment what do you do
  9. time for work what type of work will you do
  10. 5 questions leftare you male
  11. will you wake up annytime at night for me
  12. can i give you make over
  13. how long is you brake per day
  14. what will you do whne your not need or not eating or dricking during lunch

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Quiz topic: Will I be a good slave for me

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