Will you be a good parent?

Welcome to the parenting quiz. Welcome to the parenting quiz. Welcome to the parenting quiz. Welcome to the parenting quiz. Welcome to the parenting quiz. Welcome to the parenting quiz. Welcome to the parenting quiz. Welcome to the parenting quiz. Welcome to the parenting quiz.

Want to know how good you would be at being a parent? Take this quiz! If you are already a parent, take this quiz to. If it says you will be a bad parent, don't go giving your children away or anything, just check the correct answers and see what you got wrong so you can learn from it.

Created by: donttellmyname
  1. You just put your child to bed. They get out. What do you do?
  2. You put your child in a Time Out but they get up. What do you do?c
  3. How long should you keep your child in a Time Out if they get one?
  4. How long should you keep your child in a Time Out if they get one?
  5. Is spanking right? Why or why not.
  6. At what age should a child get a cell phone?
  7. What should you do when a child gets good grades on their report card? What about bad grades?
  8. What is a good chore list for a child?
  9. What should happen if a child does all their chores. What should happen if they don't?
  10. From a 1-5, how strict should a parent be?

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Quiz topic: Will I be a good parent? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Parenting Quiz category.