wich mario character are you?

wich mario character do you think you are? the brave mario? the clumsy scared luigi? the sweetest princess ever *peach* the tough tombboy *daisy* the ruthless wario the all wanna be waluigi? the laid back yoshi or the evil geniouse bowser?

so are you the one you think you are? well test to see if you really are that one character the only way to know is by finding out well lets see if you are waluigi,bowsedr,peach,daisy,luigi,mario, oh well who knows XD

Created by: jules
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what would you perfer to do?
  2. what do you do on rainy days
  3. what do you perfer to eat?
  4. where would you perfer?
  5. what item would u perfer?
  6. wich would you perfer to start in
  7. what do you perfer listening 2?
  8. pop corn or pop tarts
  9. bombs or chetoes?
  10. what is youre fave color?

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Quiz topic: Wich mario character am I?