Why oh why do we do these things????

What type of drinker are you? you could be a full blown alcoholic... a casual drinker,Non drinker or even a hardcore shot drinker. Now you can see the world through a drunks eyes.Well not quite cuz you need to drink some kind of alcoholic substance to get drunk but you get what I mean... okey so I don't quite know where I'm going with this.

You are a goatfish! Do you drink enough to get this title? Until now you could only ponder. but thanks to me you shall now know.... brace yourself. you might be so shocked by the end that you will poke yourself in the eye and call yourself popeye!

Created by: Joey

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you drink alcohol cuz....
  2. When your drunk you act....
  3. The morning after the night before...how do feel?
  4. When I'm out I like to drink....
  5. When I'm out I like to...
  6. Finish this sentence. I am the all powerful...
  7. Im getting kinda bored now...
  8. Okey okey i'm back. What is the food choice after a night out...
  9. Lastly after a heavy night out drinking what do you normally come home with.....
  10. Ha ha fooled ya no really this is the last question. Why the hell do we drink cuz it makes you feel so S**t the next day????

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