why am i so cool?

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if you are bored or just want to see this quiz then um... yeah you can now so yeah. I LOVE SOUL EATER!!!!! do you love soul eater because if you dont then you suck!

ignore that last thing because if you dont like soul eater then that's cool too... NO IT'S NOT WHAT KIND OF HUMAN BEING DOESN'T LIKE SOUL EATER! YOU DONT DESERVE TO LIVE!

Created by: soulisbeast
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. why are you taking this quiz
  2. why do i love anime/manga so much?
  3. i am almost done i just want to know what you're favorite anime show is?
  4. did you honestly like this quiz?
  5. okay i will say bye now
  6. dfgfghdhdh
  7. hi i like pie
  8. blah blah blah
  9. i am going to leave pretty soon
  10. i am leaving now!

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