whos your dream date

take this test and see who will be the right guy for you this quiz will help you find the right guy so please take it you will find it great and make sure u comment

for girls (maybe gayz) if you are looking for someone try this :) can you find that perfect someone if not then keep trying ;) tell your friends to try it for meee

Created by: 'lil miss M'
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. whats your fav colour
  2. whats your fav food
  3. what do you like in a boy
  4. do u have sibblings
  5. whats your fav song
  6. do you hang out with boys or girls
  7. do you have any talent
  8. will you comment
  9. are you in a relationship
  10. do you like the quiz

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Quiz topic: Whos my dream date