who should you marry?

this is suposed to be a paragraph on like quotes. i am not a 'quoting' person. :D so i will say this... falal i like singing. p.s. this quiz is probs best suited for straight men or not-straight ladies. but i will do it, and im straight. so go ahead... straight ladies, have a laugh.

you cant spell slaughter wihtout laughter! i bet you cant. unless you are like marinah, my friend, who finds ways to spell enything the 'no proper way' but thats ok. you will soon find out who you would be best suited to marry out of my 2 friends, me or renae.

Created by: alicen.

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. i enjoy...
  2. what do you enjoy saying..
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  4. what do you like to eat?
  5. do you like people who stare?
  6. whats your fav colour.. yes i know, its THE colour question!
  7. what are some of your obsessions?
  8. why did you do this
  9. what do you like to say when wanting to leave someplace..
  10. i hope to marry someone who..

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Quiz topic: Who should I marry?