Who's your godly parent?

There is a camp for people like u but you must figure out who your godly parent is. Take this quiz to see which cabin you are in and to see who your godly parent is.

Are you a half blood? Do you have a missing parent to qualify as a half blood. Until now you always wanted to know your parents. Now, take this quiz to see who they are!

Created by: Kayla miller
  1. What's your favorite color?
  2. What's your fave animal
  3. Who's your fave god?
  4. Do u want to play capture the flag?
  5. What's your hobby?
  6. Do you wish this quiz was over yet?
  7. U can't leave the house without...
  8. What's your fave percy Jackson book/movie?
  9. If it raining outside would you be...
  10. Would u rather..

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Quiz topic: Who's my godly parent?