Who know's me best?

This quiz is for all you people out there who think you know it all, well i have decided to put you to the test to see how many of you out there actually do know me. Try your best. Study my Myspace page. Good luck.

Do you actually think you know me? I do have a lot of friends all over the place and it's time to figure out who actually listens to me when i talk about myself. Good luck and if the results are not that good then that's ok, maybe it's just that we haven't talked or hung out enough with eachother

Created by: Ashley
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is my full name?
  2. When is my Birthday?
  3. What is my Cat's name?
  4. What is my favorite color?
  5. My favorite kind of car is?
  6. What is my brother's name?
  7. What state was i born in?
  8. What sport do i love to play?
  9. What do i plan on doing after graduation?
  10. What is my natural hair color?

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