Who is your Stranger Thing soulmate? Straight gal daddy edit

This quiz was designed to help you make a very important decision on a debatable topic . It is extremely accurate. You can trust me it is accurate quite accurate indeed.

After you have taken this quiz you will be aware of who your soulmate is from stranger things and you can go and live your life I’m peace thereafter you are welcome.

Created by: HiUgly
  1. What yo favourite thing to eat?
  2. Favourite drink?
  3. What is your favourite colour tell me
  4. What is your initial reaction if a cow falls from the sky?
  5. How do you get places?
  6. Fave weather pick now immediately
  7. Choose
  8. Choose your preference for your Sunday roast
  9. What is your usual sleeping position?
  10. What is your favourite content of a Big Mac?
  11. What is your favourite hobby?
  12. Have you found it strange that this whole quiz has been about food?

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Quiz topic: Who is my Stranger Thing soulmate? Straight gal daddy edit
