[Who Is Your PJO Soulmate?]

This is a quiz that tells you who your PJO soulmate is. I have tried to make it accurate. Please comment and give constructive feedback on the quiz! Thank you!

I do not like this paragraph thing. Do not waste your time reading! Jfgfnskgnfslkgfnskgnfsgihdfugsfujesfgsdkjvbfxjkvcbbj,cxbvbgfdjghghrudghreighrdughruthrut

Created by: 12345678
  1. Which power do you have?
  2. Fatal flaw:
  3. Who is your godly parent? If you don’t know then just press a random one.
  4. Choose one
  5. Someone comes to your house and they are going to kill someone in your family, what do you do
  6. Describe yourself
  7. What is your gender?
  8. Home turf
  9. Choose one
  10. It’s capture the flag!
  11. Does water heal your wounds? What is your first reaction?
  12. Do you steal stuff?
  13. What is your weapon?
  14. I say water and your reaction
  15. Do you like the quiz?

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Quiz topic: [Who Is my PJO Soulmate?]
