Who is your Ninjago soul-mate?

In Ninjago, there are five ninja, waiting for you to come meet them. They love you but you can only choose one. What do you do when you choose and the others get angry?

Who is YOUR ninja boyfriend? Find out today in the romantic (Somewhat. XD) quiz! Who do you wish to be paired with? A robot or a normal human? Find out today. (Okay, the most crappy summary in the world)

Created by: Ari the shadow ninja

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What is your favorite element?
  3. What is your favorite food?
  4. ______ (fave ninja) asks you out on a date, what do you do?
  5. You get kidnapped by Garmadon, a person with _____ as weapons free you. What weapon do they have?
  6. You have a chance to be the apprentice of your favorite ninja. You are allowed to pick an element related to your master. What do you pick?
  7. You have gotten hurt in a battle and when you wake up, you see a pair of worried eyes looking at you. What color are they? (The color is like the element
  8. You are sitting in a tree when a ____ colored person flashes past you, and puts a note in you hand. What does it say?
  9. You notice that every day, a single ____ colored rose is placed in a (favorite color) jar on your table. What color is this rose?
  10. You look at the ground below you and get ready to jump. You hate you life and want to go to a nicer place. But suddenly a person pulls you back and looks at you. "Don't go" they say and take off on a ____ colored dragon. What is the dragons color?

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Quiz topic: Who is my Ninjago soul-mate?